GIIA is committed to using market based approaches to serve different segments of the population by addressing their needs in a sustainable way. To achieve this GIIA has undertaken several initiatives that contribute to healthy communities.

Cowpea seed

In Kenya we have partnered with women groups to develop a value chain for cowpea, a highly nutritious protein that can be used to combat malnutrition while improving the economic livelihood of farmers.

GIIA operates a vertically integrated business that involves farmer women groups to increase acreage under cowpea, processes it and markets the products to various supermarkets and distribution channels.

We combine the discipline of marketing and financial management to ensure our portfolio of products and services meet the changing needs of our target consumers and evolving markets.


Coppea Cowpea flour

Coppea Cowpea flour is a free-flowing product produced from grinding cowpea. This product does not contain any preservatives or additives. It can also be blended and fortified to produce several products including; instant child porridge, nutritious weaning mixes and supplementary foods, hummus, snacks, bakery and pastry industries .

Baby smart

Baby Smart Instant porridge

Baby Smart is instant porridge and is a precooked and fortified cowpea porridge flour that contains adequate supply of protein, carbohydrates, energy, minerals for infants and children. Being rich in proteins it is a perfect natural food choice for weaning children. It is also suitable for addressing cases of malnutrition.